Posts by category
- Category: CSSL Launching Ceremony
- Category: Monthly Webinars
- AI as Humans? Using LLMs to Synthesize Human Responses in Persuasive Contexts
- Explaining the Evolution of Gossip
- Using LLMs for Computational Social Science: Challenges and Opportunities
- life2vec: Life trajectories in high dimensional spaces
- Applying Transformers to Predict Life Course Sequences
- Byte the Power: Information Openness Increases Participatory Equality in China
- Locally Ensconced and Globally Integrated: How Positions in Network Structure Relate to a Language-Based Model of Group Identification
- School-to-Work Transition in Big Data
- Heterogeneous Treatment Effect Bounds under Sample Selection with an Application to the Effects of Social Media on Political Polarization
- Mapping Out the Interpersonal Boundary Stones in Contemporary China: Guanxi Network Structure and Its Association with Traditional Culture Endorsement
- Data Analytics in the Public Sector: The Case of Korea’s COVID-19 Response
- Understanding Online Attention: from Item Popularity to Market Landscapes
- Social and Algorithmic Curation in the Transmission of Information
- Experiments with Social Coordination in Hybrid Systems of Humans and Bots
- Networked Humanitarianism in Russia’s War against Ukraine
- The History of our Minds: Evidence for Co-Evolution of Cultural and Psychological Processes
- How Information Flows from the World to China
- A Quasi-comprehensive Exploration of the Mechanisms of Spatial Working Memory
- Bridging Factor and Sparse Models
- Senseable Economics: From demystifying China’s economy to tackling climate change
- Four Methodological Themes in Computational Spatial Social Science
- Job Mobility and the Underlying Labour Market Structure
- Understanding the relation between spatial behaviour and environmental structure with targeted and large-scale human data
- Self-fulfilling Bandits: Dynamic Selection in Algorithmic Decision-making
- The Role of Spatial Cognition in Urban Analytics
- Using Social Media Data to Promote Decision-Making
- Modelling Individual Mobility Behaviour
- The Structures and Consequences of Online Political Discussion: Computational Studies Using Social Media Data
- Mobility Networks in Cities
- Understanding and Improving Democracy through Computational Social Science
- Inequality (and epidemics) in Cities at High Resolution
- Information pollution in pandemic times: some insights from socio-technical research
- Space, Time, and Human Dynamics in GIScience
- Norm Emergence Research in Artificial Intelligence
- Computational + Human-centric Design Methods in Architecture and Urbanism
- Computationally Revealing Network Effects: Applications to Product Diffusion & Political Polarization
- Category: Other Events