社會行動者內嵌於各種社會和空間網路中。許多社會和自然系統都呈現出網路結構。 社會科學的一個基本問題是,這些網路如何通過限制和提供機會影響內嵌其中的個人。這與社會影響的結構主義研究有關,如網路動員、在線社交網路中的產品和資訊傳播等。社會科學的另一個一般性問題是,這些網路如何形成,其功能與結構又如何聯繫在一起。這與社會選擇的研究有關,如友誼的形成和政治區隔等。
大流行中使用韓國 GPS 導航數據研究移動網路中小世界結構的可持續性
This project uses large-scale mobility data that have recorded all the travels with the use of a GPS navigation service in Jeju-do (the largest island in South Korea) during the entire period of COVID-19 from 2019 to present. This dataset includes spatial information, users’ demographic attributes, and the specific activity classification of travelers’ destinations. The main analytical task is to map such mobility data into a multi-layer network. The goal of our analysis is to ascertain (1) whether the mobility network in South Korea’s most popular travel destination reveals a small-world structure and, if so, (2) the degree to which government’s shutdown strategy (a quasi-natural experiment) was able to undermine the prone-to-diffusion structure beyond reducing overall nodal degrees. We also investigate how this structural change varies by types of trip, and whether it is correlated with the trend of the local prevalence of COVID-19.
This project uses a quasi-natural experiment and large-scale web-scraped music data to explain how a music genre as a whole evolves with the collaboration across independent artists and organizations. A particular attention is given to (i) causal inference of the effects of making collaboration ties in consideration of reputation and performance (ii) the differentiation and integration of genre and lyrical styles.